Kid-Friendly and Secure Spaces with Orlando Outdoor Living
Prolocksmith Orlando

Kid-Friendly and Secure Spaces with Orlando Outdoor Living

Designing an outdoor living space is a wonderful way to extend your home’s functionality and create a beautiful environment for relaxation and entertainment. However, if you have children, ensuring that this space is safe for them is paramount. From secure fencing to locked storage and thoughtful design choices, there are many ways to make your outdoor area both stylish and child-friendly. Here are some essential tips to help you create a safe outdoor space for your family.

orlando outdoor living

1. Secure Fencing

The first line of defense in keeping children safe in an outdoor area is secure fencing. Choose a fence that is tall enough to prevent climbing and has a gate with a lock that is out of reach for small children. Here are a few tips:

  • Height and Material: Opt for a fence at least 4-6 feet tall. Materials like aluminum or vinyl are durable and provide a solid barrier.
  • Self-Closing Gates: Install self-closing hinges and latches on gates to ensure they close and lock automatically.
  • Child-Proof Locks: Use child-proof locks on gates to prevent easy access. These can be traditional locks placed high on the gate or more advanced smart locks that can be controlled remotely.

2. Locked Storage Solutions

Outdoor spaces often include storage areas for tools, toys, and other items. Keeping these items secure is crucial, especially if they include potentially dangerous items such as gardening tools, chemicals, or even alcoholic beverages. Here’s how to secure your storage with the help of professional locksmith in Orlando:

  • Lockable Cabinets and Chests: Invest in outdoor cabinets and storage chests that come with built-in locks. Ensure these locks are child-proof and durable.
  • Secure Outdoor Kitchens: If your outdoor space includes a kitchen, ensure all cabinets, especially those storing sharp tools, alcohol, or glass items, are securely locked. Consider using combination locks or keyed locks for added security.
  • Outdoor Refrigerators: If you have an outdoor refrigerator, particularly one that stores alcohol or glass items, make sure it has a reliable lock. Child-proof locking systems are available specifically for refrigerators.

3. Soft Landscaping and Child-Friendly Furniture

Minimizing sharp edges and choosing soft landscaping can significantly reduce the risk of injury for children playing outdoors. Consider the following:

  • Rounded Furniture: Opt for furniture with rounded edges instead of sharp corners. Many outdoor furniture manufacturers offer child-friendly designs.
  • Soft Surfaces: Use grass, rubber mulch, or artificial turf in play areas to cushion falls. Avoid hard surfaces like concrete or stone in areas where children are likely to play.
  • Plants and Landscaping: Choose non-toxic plants and avoid those with thorns or sharp leaves. Create designated play areas away from potentially hazardous landscaping features like ponds or sharp rocks.

4. Safe Play Areas

Designating specific areas for play can help contain active children and ensure they are in a safe environment. Here are some ideas:

  • Playground Equipment: Install age-appropriate playground equipment with safety features such as soft swings, secure climbing structures, and slides with gentle slopes.
  • Shade and Shelter: Ensure play areas have adequate shade to protect children from sun exposure. Use pergolas, umbrellas, or trees to provide cool, shaded spots.
  • Supervision: Place play areas within view of the main seating areas so adults can easily supervise children.

5. Additional Safety Features

Beyond the basics, consider these additional safety features to further child-proof your outdoor space:

  • Lighting: Ensure your outdoor space is well-lit during evening hours. Use motion-sensor lights to illuminate pathways and play areas.
  • Pool Safety: If you have a pool, install a pool fence with a lockable gate and use pool alarms to alert you if someone enters the pool area unsupervised.
  • Non-Slip Surfaces: Use non-slip materials for decking and pathways to prevent slips and falls, especially when surfaces are wet.


Creating a safe and child-friendly outdoor space doesn’t mean you have to compromise on style or functionality. By implementing these safety measures, you can design an outdoor area that is both beautiful and secure, giving you peace of mind while your children enjoy the outdoors. Remember, the key is to anticipate potential hazards and address them proactively, ensuring your outdoor space is a safe haven for your entire family.

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